We pride ourselves on being friendly, efficient, and careful with your home and belongings.

For large amounts of junk that have built up over years or even decades, it can be hard to sort through and get rid of it all. Let us help you get rid of as much as possible quickly and easily- your time is valuable!

Roll-off dumpsters don’t load themselves, let us do the work for you. We are similarly priced at 15 cubic yards, but our cost includes labor. Give us a call for a quote on a full trailer, and unlike a dumpster if you don’t fill it up we don’t charge for the whole thing.

We also are able to remove large items from your yard like hot tubs, sheds, or swing equipment- we will cut them up with our reciprocating saw. We are unfortunately unable to remove pianos from inside homes.

Give us a call to set up a free estimate at 763-222-5655.